The Scope of the Network

  • Forum Vertigo

The digital networks emerging in the 21st century hint at censorship, a surveillance society, and reveal themselves at the heart of ubiquitous, invisible, and mercantile systems. While individuals are now entirely dependent on technological platforms, of what new infrastructures of control would we be the targets?

With Wendy Hui Kyong Chun Author and Professor, Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Geert Lovink Professor, University of Amsterdam
Jill Magid Artist
Mika Tajima Artist
Moderator Yves Citton Author, Professor, université Paris 8, Directeur of the EUR ArTeC

Visuel : Programme d’analyse predictif des sentiments personnalisé, moteur de jeu, Alienware VR PC, Twitter API; vidéo, couleur; durée infinie. Dimensions variables. Vue de l'installation. "Mika Tajima: PSYCHO GRAPHICS", Kayne Griffin Corcoran, Los Angeles 2019 © Mika Tajima. Courtesy of the artist, Kayne Griffin Corcoran (Los Angeles), Taro Nasu (Tokyo)

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